Saturday, September 6, 2008

Craig Hildebrand's Birthday

So this year was Craig's 12th birthday This was a special one for him since he received the Aaronic Priesthood in our church. The picture above is the whole family who to took part in this special ordinance. I think the bishop was overwhelmed with the amount of people...

Anyways after we left church we went to my sister's house and celebrated my nephew's birthday. Here are a few pictures from that:

Kaylie was doing her Popular song from Wicked. I love that song... Kaylie memorized all the words and put a dance to it. I have to say I memorized the words too. I know we are obsessed with that play.

Everyone playing in the pool.

Esther and I were messing around with the glow sticks in the pool. We sure know how to entertain ourselves!

And the last picture is everyone again. We are all just a bunch of goons...


Debbie's said...

That's so cool that everyone was there. I CANNOT believe he is 12!! CrAzY!!!