About a month ago, Don's Grandma Krafft calls me asking why she can't get to anything recent on my blog. It took me a minute to figure out what she meant, and then it dawned on me... I haven't updated my blog since September 10th, 2010! That would be why she couldn't get to anything recent on my blog! Well, I have a few moments to spare, Jackson is in bed and I have tomorrow off, which means I can stay up a little later! Yay!
So what have we been up to for the past year? Hmmmm... Mostly enjoying every minute with our wonderful son, who is the light and joy of our world. I feel so lucky each day to be blessed with him in our home. I love that little man!
October came and went. We went to the Pumpkin Patch. Jackson and I rode a little train...
Jackson got a few pictures with the pumpkins, which he was not a fan of. I was afraid of pineapples when I was a kid, I guess Jackson's Kryptonite is Pumpkins!
Don tried getting him to touch the pumpkins to show him they were ok. He was not having any of that!
Of course it was Jackson's first Halloween. We were quite the mismatched family. I was Cruella DeVille, Don was Waldo and Jackson was a monkey.
Then Thanksgiving rolled around... We went to see my parents in Tucson, AZ. Jackson had his first jam session with Grandma and Grandpa Hardy.
Then after everyone left. My brother Joe discovered a scorpion in the gravy. Needless to say, we lost our appetite on Thanksgiving! To this day, it still gives me shivers!
The next day, we went to the Tucson Mall and went shopping on Black Friday. While we were there, Jackson and my friend Heather's son Jaxon got their picture with Santa. Please excuse the photo, it was taken with my phone and it did some weird color thing on it! Everyone is super red in it! Or maybe I was being artistic and making it red??? Ok, I'm not even buying that!
We did some photos of Jackson
In December, we went to Santa's Village in Poway. Jackson had fun looking at all the fun decorations, lights and even seeing Santa!
During December, I met up with my sister Marza at the outlet center, Viejas in Alpine. We stepped into a toy store and my nephew Craig found this skunk that made farting noises. I thought Jackson was going to die from laughing so hard. Then at the very end of the video, Jackson got scared and started crying. Talk about extreme emotions!
Christmas Eve rolled around... We went to my Father In Law, Don's house. "Santa" even stopped by to see us!
You are never to young to sit on Santa's lap! Or at least my Dad isn't!
And the much anticipated, Christmas morning at our house!
Christmas at the Carbajal's house
Christmas at the Rowland's house
Playing with Grauntie Kris and 2nd Cousin Kelly
Then Don and I had an adventure on New Year's Eve. We came home and our garage door fell apart when we tried to close it. We called a company to take care of it the next day, but we had to leave our garage door over night like this. At the time, I had my friend Tom staying with us and when he came home that night, he thought someone robbed and kidnapped us. Thankfully, that was not the case!
On January 12th, 2011, we went to Fuddruckers and celebrated Jackson's 1st birthday. They had a fun blue grass band playing that night and everyone was dancing and having a great time. I LOVED the music, such talented musicians. Jackson and I both got out there and got our dance on, ok... I mean I held him and we danced. :o) Still fun none the less.
Then on January 15th, 2011, we celebrated Jackson's 1st birthday with the whole family. We managed to fit everyone in our town home. We were a bit worried, but it worked out great. We used our backyard and garage, which helped with extra room for chairs and tables.
Playing a little Dance Central in the garage
Opening presents
Grandpa Horn gave Jackson his own little recliner. He's like a little old man sitting in it. He just needs a remote control to go with it! Ha!
Jackson is very suspicious of anything going in his mouth. Of course he was lovin' it once he got a taste of the frosting.
Jackson's one year pictures. What a little stud!
On January 20th, 2011 our water heater sprung a leak and flooded our downstairs. I had a lot of mixed feelings on this. I first felt devastated. A few years ago, we remodeled our down stairs. With the help of friends and family, we did all the work ourselves. It was hard seeing all that hard work ripped up and torn out. Here are some pictures after they ripped everything out excluding the walls. At this point, the restoration company had ripped out some of the walls and put new sheet rock back in.
It was a long process, probably a few months and during that time we were with out a kitchen and at one point living in a hotel. I realized how important stability and a routine was for little kids. Jackson sure felt the change and was a bit irritable over it. It was a tough few months, but we got through it. Here is the outcome. These were quickly taken on my phone. I'll have to take some better pictures soon.

When we moved everything back in our house, we noticed our laundry room cabinets were warped. Originally, they said the cabinets were fine and they didn't need to be replaced. Well, a few months later, that is not the case. So our insurance adjuster is cutting us a check to get those replaced. Yay!!! Once those are in, I'll post some pictures of our laundry room. In the end, everything looked great, but those two months were not the most fun for us. :o) Coincidentally, my Mother In Law had her bathroom pipe burst today and flooded her downstairs as well. Boy, could we sympathize with her! No more floods please! I think we may be bad luck!
On February 28th, Jackson finally started crawling!!! Boy, did he take his sweet time! I thought he was never going to crawl. Of course his first time crawling was when I was at work. At least Don's Aunt took a video of it for us.
Here is a fun video of Jackson. One morning, Don and I were talking and while Jackson was drinking his bottle, he randomly started waving at us. What a funny kid. He surprises me sometimes.
A few days ago, I was letting him play with some animal flash cards on my iPhone and he figured out how to move from page to page, by swiping it with his finger. That little kid is too smart for his own good. He even figured out how to unlock the phone by swiping it. Gotta keep an eye on that one.
On March, 13th, we met some friends at the local park and I took some pictures of them there. While we were there, we snagged a few pictures of Jackson playing on the swings. Took him a few trips of going to the park before he liked them. Now, he is loving the swings. He is not my dare devil child, that's for sure. Hopefully that means minimal trips to the ER for us through out Jackson's life.
Jackson is crawling all over the house now. Thankfully we have our downstairs back so he can crawl all over the place. Here are a few fun videos of him playing.
On March 19th, we took a few pictures of Jackson in the front of our house. There is no more baby in him! He is definitely a toddler now! Boy did that first year go by fast!!! I am definitely missing those baby stages, but loving the toddler years so far. Well... except for the occasional temper tantrums! :o) I could do with out those, but I guess that's all part of the toddler years and everyone's gotta do their time.
And I think that brings us up to speed. The first part of 2011 was a little too much adventurous for us. Let's hope that the rest of 2011 is quiet for us!
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