For 4th of July Don and I went to his Mom's house in Santee. She lives next to a huge field where they shoot off the fire works. The day before 4th of July I woke up thinking "Sweet I have a high end camera now and I can take some pretty sweet shots of fireworks this year." So I spent Thursday evening researching what I needed to do to obtain the perfect firework shot. Which by the way for those of you who are interested in how to do it visit my photo workshop blog and it will explain every thing. Feel free to visit or subscribe to that blog if you guys are interested in photography. I started a photo group at church and each week I will try to post something up to further everyone's knowledge in photography and in the future I will be including tutorials for Photoshop as well. Here is the link:, I had a lot of difficulty at first. You have to do this all on manual mode so there is a lot of thought process that is involved with it. After I figured it all out, it was easy... of course! My brother in law Mike was so nice to accompany me while I did this. We had to walk up a steep hill in our sandals (I wouldn't recommend that.) There was brush and weeds everywhere so lucky us, our ankles and feet were eaten alive by bugs! Hey the sacrifices you make for a good shot. My husband punk'd out on me and decided to stay down on the side walk where it was safe. Thanks Don! What happened with for better or worse!?!?! :o) Hey at least Mike toughed it out with me. You rock Mike! Looking at this slide show makes me feel like I am watching the fire work show all over again! Now we just need music to add to it. I wasn't able to figure that out... oh well. You guys can listen to your own music while watching it.
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