Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thanksgiving 11/26/09

So I am playing a little catch up. My last post was back in September and of course many things have happened since than. Because I am lazy, I will just jump to Thanksgiving and start there. My pregnant brain can't remember farther back than that so that's the best you are gonna get right now. :) Although, one little update that happened right before Thanksgiving was Don finally got a job!!! He officially started the first week in December. That was such a blessing for us. He is working for a company called DR Systems. As far as I know they are a company that provides and supports programming for medical equipment like MRI machines, ultrasounds etc. So right now he is learning all their products. So far he is enjoying it and we are grateful to have a full income from him again. Just in time for all the fun new expenses that come with a baby. ;o)

So Thanksgiving was very nice. I was so lucky to have my parents come to San Diego and spend it with us. Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of them while they were out. It seems the only pictures I captured on Thanksgiving was the Horn side of the family so those will be the only pictures I post. On Thanksgiving my parents went to my sister's house and spent time with them and the Grandkids which I know they enjoyed. Don and I decided to celebrate with my side of the family the day after Thanksgiving since we had Don's Dad's side and Mom's side to stop at for Thanksgiving. Even though I am pregnant that is still too much food for us to consume and too many stops for us to make in one day. We did have a Thanksgiving breakfast with my parents though so that was nice.

So the next day we went to my sister's house and my Tia Josefina and her daughter and grandchildren came out to see us from Tijuana, Mexico. That was exciting. I haven't seen them in a few years. You would think we would see them more often since they only live across the border, but we tend to stay away from Mexico these days. Tijuana is not the safest place right now. I was glad to see they were doing well. It's always fun to see them because we all speak broken spanish and english. It's quite a sight to see us communicate but some how we manage. Well... we manage because my poor Mother ends up being the translator when we all get stuck on words and we can't convey what we are trying to say. Than it is just funny seeing her jump from Spanish to English quickly. Quite entertaining... I can't express how truly blessed I feel to know and be related to my Tia Josefina and her family. They are truly some of my favorite people. It's amazing how a language barrier can't stop a relationship from forming. So all in all I really enjoyed my Thanksgiving and of course seeing family. That is always my favorite part of the holidays.

Ok so here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving.

And of course, the yummy feast!!!